Volunteer for City Care Dental
City Care Dental is always welcoming dental professional volunteers! We also appreciate the support of anyone with technical or RV mechanical savvy as well anyone who likes to drive our RV MOBILE Dental unit….we have ways to get you involved! We can train those who like mornings to help set up, or at the end of the day to tear down and provide our dental team general support at our events. For more information about the types of treatments that we provide please review our Services Brochure.
If you are interested in volunteering at an event please follow these steps:
Fill out your information using the Volunteer Application form below
Because you will be working with children and vulnerable adults, you will need to complete a free online criminal record check. To submit an online criminal record check, volunteers will need to:
• Have a credit history in Canada of at least 6 months
• Have lived in Canada for at least 2 years
• Correctly answer a set of security questions unique to your credit history
• Have a current Canadian address
Complete an Oath of Confidentiality form and a Media Release form and submit them in person when you arrive at the event.
For more information about upcoming events and volunteering please contact Dr. Wendy Gaudet at dental@citydreamcentre.com
Thank You To Our Sponsors!
Thanks to Our Volunteers & Host Location Seaview Church!